44th Regiment battle near Fort du Quesne 1755
On 9 July 1755 the British Army fell into a French trap near to the Fort du Quesne ( now Duquesne, Pennsylvania) which they intended to attack and suffered heavy losses.
Details of the casualties suffered by the 44th Regiment are listed below.
Colonel Sir Peter Halkett
Captain Charles Tatton
Captain Henry Bromley
Captain Lieutenant Richard Gethin
Lieutenant James Halkett
Lieutenant Robert Townsend
Lt Colonel Thomas Gage
Captain Francis Halkett
Lieutenant William Littler
Lieutenant William Dunbar
Lieutenant John Treby
Lieutenant Andrew Simpson
Lieutenant Robert Lock
Lieutneant Daniel Disney
Lieutenant Quinton Kennedy
Ensign George Pennington
The Halkett family paid a heavy price as Colonel Halket was at the head of the 44th when he was hit and fatally wounded. His youngest son Lieutenant James Halkett rushed to his side and was also hit and mortally wounded. The servant of Colonel Halkett then ran to check the wounds of both men and also recieved mortal wounds.