Cookie Policy
To make this site work properly, we sometimes place small data
files called cookies on your device. Most big websites do this
What are cookies?
A cookie is a small text file that
a website saves on your
computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables
the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as
login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a
period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them
whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to
How do we use cookies?
This Website does not use cookies although third parties
may do so.
Google use cookies for many purposes. They use them, for
example, to remember your safe search preferences, to make the
ads you see more relevant to you, to count how many visitors we
receive to a page, to help you sign up for our services and to
protect your data.
How Google uses cookies in advertising
Cookies help to make advertising more effective. Without
cookies, it’s harder for an advertiser to reach its audience, or
to know how many ads were shown and how many clicks they
Many websites, such as news sites and blogs, partner with Google
to show ads to their visitors. Working with our partners, we may
use cookies for a number of purposes, such as to stop you from
seeing the same ad over and over again, to detect and stop click
fraud, and to show ads that are likely to be more relevant (such
as ads based on websites you have visited).
We store a record of the ads we serve in our logs. These server
logs typically include your web request, IP address, browser
type, browser language, the date and time of your request, and
one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your browser. We
store this data for a number of reasons, the most important of
which are to improve our services and to maintain the security
of our systems. We anonymize this log data by removing part of
the IP address (after 9 months) and cookie information (after 18
Our advertising cookies
To help our partners manage their advertising and websites, we
offer many products, including AdSense, AdWords, Google
Analytics, and a range of DoubleClick-branded services. When you
visit a page or see an ad that uses one of these products,
either on Google services or on other sites and apps, various
cookies may be sent to your browser.
These may be set from a few different domains, including,,,,, or Some of our
advertising products enable our partners to use other services
in conjunction with ours (like an ad measurement and reporting
service), and these services may send their own cookies to your
browser. These cookies will be set from their domains.
How you can control advertising cookies
You can use Ads Settings to manage the Google ads you see and
opt out of Ads Personalization. Even if you opt out of Ads
Personalization, you may still see ads based on factors such as
your general location derived from your IP address, your browser
type, and your search terms.
You can also manage many companies’ cookies used for online
advertising via the consumer choice tools created under
self-regulation programs in many countries, such as the US-based choices page or the EU-based Your Online Choices.
Ful; details of the use that Google makes of cookies are
available on
How to control cookies
You can control
and/or delete cookies
as you wish – You can delete all cookies that are already on
your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from
being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually
adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some
services and functionalities may not work.
You can easily accept
or reject the
cookies on this site by choosing one of the following links: I
accept cookies / I
refuse cookies.