Braintree High School Memorial

In July 1921 a memorial tablet was unveiled in the school hall by the Headmaster, Mr F J Weaver, to the 18 old boys and the school caretaker who died during World War One.

S J Ager

P C Archer

N J Cartwright

V S Chapman

C P Cooper

F H Fuller

E Knight

F W Knight

R Malyn

A O T Ollett

A C Payne

F D Perry

J E Pettitt

J C Pulford

H M Scarfe

G C Townrow

E S Townsend

C G Turner

H J Welch


A service was taken by Rev D B Barclay, vicar of Braintee and Rev W J Cole of the Congregational Church.

An address was given by Colonel G J Hornsby-Wright DSO of Felstead School

The school is now closed having been used by Essex County Council as offices and in 2013 was sold to be converted into flats.

The wherabouts of the plaque is unknown.