Uniform Issue to Soldiers in 1914
New recruits arrived at the Battalion Depot in their civilian clothes and were issued with their army uniform plus a large sheet of brown paper, some string and a label so that they could parcel up their civilian clothes and send then home for safe keeping during their service.
Recruits were warned that their boots may trouble them at first. The sole is not pliable and naturally will feel heavy and clumsy compared to shoes. At first they may chafe a little but keep your feet clean and you will have no serious trouble.
Don't be too particular about the fit of your clothing. The collar of the jacket may fit rather loosely and the shortness of the jacket may trouble you but that is the custom of the Army. Your trousers may appear to be too long, but they are supposed to be puled up before the puttees are put on and turned down two or three inches over the top of the puttees.
You will not receive a razor but if you bring one with you and show it when asked then you will receive a razor allowance of 2 shillings.
Your kitbag will contain your regimental number and can therefore always be identified. Place all of your kit within your kit bag.
The kit issue was
2 Service dress jackets
2 Service Dress trousers
1 greatcoat
1 pair puttees
1 Service dress cap
2 pairs of ankle boots
3 pairs of woolen socks
3 flannel shirts
1 pair braces
1 cardigan waistcoat or jersey
2 pairs of drawers
1 or 2 sets of shoulder titles
1 housewife containing needles, cotton and buttons
1 holdall containing button stick, shaving brush, toothbrush, knife, fork, spoon & comb
1 brass polishing brush
2 boot brushes( 1 small & 1 polisher)
1 tin of boot polish
1 clothes brush
1 hairbrush
1 cap comforter
1 waterproof kitbag.